
Saturday, January 13, 2007

IP4 (finally) 

It feels good to have juniors who are all younger than I am....
apart from that, I'm just sad that this is our last year of IP. The year of reckoning (A-levels) and the last year we're all going to spend together as a whole cohort. But, as Dot says, it's probably also going to be exciting, cos anything that can happen will happen this year. I'm also sick of school food and have thus lost weight. I haven't really bought any food from the school canteen yet... I'm just so sick of NJ food that I'd rather starve than eat it. I guess JC food is only good for the 2 years that everyone normally spends there. The 'good' part may become merely 'ok' when stretched to 3 years, but at the start of the 4th it's just... bleaaggghhh... School itself is ok, I guess... the looming threat of the A levels being enough of an impetus for me to motivate myself to complete as much of my work on time.
I think this is going to be an interesting year... I have no idea what's going to happen, or what my grades will be like, but I'm going to take stuff as it comes...

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